Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cats, cats and more cats

This is seriously a story about keepin up with the Jones'.   We told the kids when moved in this house that they could have a cat.  So we back in the fall around September, we started search for "FREE" cats in the paper.  We found some and called about them.  We went to Fort Smith because our microwave oven stopped working and we HAD to have a microwave.  So we decided we would let them have one of cats, and the lady had 5 to begin with and was left with 3.  They were all siblings, so Eddie had said to just get all 3 of them so maybe they would stick around the house and not run away.  And let me not forget to mention that Eddie is "HIGHLY" allergic to cats.  Oh what did we get ourself into is what I kept asking myself. 

So with a microwave in the back of car and groceries, we stopped by this ladies house and got all three cats.  Eddie told me to drvie while he helped hold them.  The car started and that was it.  Cats don't really like a car ride, so the cat he was holding crawled up this front side and down his back and headed to the back of the car, scratching him of course and leaving whelps on him immediately.  I, of course laughed, but he wasn't.  The kids were freaking out because the cats were all over the car.

Finally, we got home and we all piled out and got the cats set up OUTSIDE. And things were good.  Then we went out of town at Christmas and left them plenty of food, but apparently, their forest friend, Mr. Possum, was enjoying their food.  We had a friend feeding the outside dog and checking on the cats and they were all there until New years day.  We came home to only one Cat. The kids were so sad.  I mentioned it all facebook and they never appeared.  We had the understanding that something like a wild animal had gotten the cats.

So then a sweet friend gave us another cat a couple weeks ago and the kids again were so excited.  Then just this last Sunday, a neighbor friend called and said she had our cat so she drove up here and I came out to see her.
She said I brought you your cat and it has a collar right?  No ma'am, I said, it doesn't have a collar.  The neighbor said oh boy who's cat did I bring you?  And she mentioned how it loved to scratch on the door and it did have a special marking with its stripes,  It WAS our cat, once again the kids were even more excited. Our long lost cat missing since New years day had come home.

So once again, a facebook message was placed on there about the cats, and I mentioned we had one more cat missing and Angel, the daughter of the neighbor said there was a black one down there too, so the next night Mr. Ceisla, Angel's husband and the Assistant Superintindent(however you spell that big word) brought the other cat home, so now we have 4 cats all OUTSIDE!!   There is the phrase that people say all the time.  Are you trying to keep up with the Jones' .  Well, this is one time, that I hope you are not, because having four cats is just pretty crazy.  We will see how long they stay around.  Just call us CRAZY OR STUPID!!

I thought this was a great post seeing how it is titled "KEEPIN UP WITH JONES'"   So here are some pics but not all the cats are in the pics, but oh well, maybe later

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